Protecting Your Piano – Piano Life Saver System from Chupp’s
Swings in the humidity level in a room can be extremely detrimental to your piano. An inconsistent moisture content can cause your piano too quickly drop out of tune and cause damage to the wooden piano components. Here at Chupp’s Piano Service we highly recommend protecting your beloved instrument with a Piano Life Saver System from Dampp Chaser. This dual humidifier/dehumidifier is one of the best ways to ensure your piano stays in top working order.
The Piano Life Saver System is an internal humidity control system that is engineered to protect what is arguably the world’s most complex musical instrument: the piano. It is widely held that a grand piano has more individual parts than a car. The vast majority of those parts are made of wood. It’s a remarkable piece of engineering and a wonder of construction. Many of the world’s most respected piano makers build their instruments today in almost exactly the same manner as they did over 100 years ago. They go to great lengths to assure that the many species of wood used in the construction of their instruments are carefully chosen and dried to the proper moisture content. It is extremely important that this moisture content is maintained throughout the life of the piano. Piano makers deem this so important that they include a clause in their warranties that excludes coverage to instruments that have been subjected to extremes of temperature and humidity.
The most critical step in piano care and maintenance is keeping it in an environment where the relative humidity (RH) and temperature are stable at approximately 45% and 70 F respectively. Ambient humidity levels determine the moisture content of the wooden parts in your piano, and the moisture content determines the dimension and integrity of the wood.
Creating the Correct Environment
Unfortunately, creating and maintaining that environment is difficult, even impossible in some areas. The world is a very diverse place climatically. In the driest areas, like the southwestern US, getting the humidity level up to 45% is difficult, while in regions of higher humidity like the Gulf Coast, getting it down to that level is nearly impossible. Many areas even have both of these problems, depending on which season it is! Consider the sultry summer days and the frigid winter nights experienced by the midwestern states and provinces. Humidity levels are all over the chart!
Attempting to keep the humidity in your entire home at a constant 45% is extremely challenging and may not even be desirable. Every time you walk out the door, the humidity level you worked so hard to achieve goes right out with you. The same thing happens when you come in from outside. You bring the uncontrolled outdoors in with you. If you do manage to bring the RH up to 45% on a frosty winter day, every window in the house will have condensation or ice buildup on it. In relatively little time, you will be dealing with mold and mildew problems. During the hot humid time of year, your air conditioner, while it is running, will lower the humidity somewhat. The second it stops, the humidity starts to climb again until the air conditioner comes back on. Since it is designed to regulate temperature, not humidity, it turns off once the set temperature is reached, with no regard for the humidity level.
The Piano Life Saver System is an affordable, easy to maintain solution to the problems listed above. Maintaining it is so simple that many users have their children do it! No other system can achieve the results of the Piano Life Saver System for a comparable cost or expenditure of effort. We highly recommend these systems to our customers.

How The System Works
When the Humidistat senses that the humidity level is too low, it activates the Humidifier adding to the moisture in the air inside the piano. When it senses that the level is too high, it activates the Dehumidifier. The Humidistat is the brain of the system. It senses whether the micro-climate inside the piano is optimal and automatically switches the system to function as a Dehumidifier or Humidifier to protect your piano from damage caused by changes in humidity. This shallow cycle continues day after day, year after year, protecting your piano from external conditions. Please note that installation of the Piano Life Saver System is not intended to supplant regular tuning and maintenance by your piano technician. It is designed to increase the serviceable life of your instrument and keep it playing and sounding its best between regular service intervals.
Purchase from Chupp’s Pianos
We highly recommend the use of a Piano Life Saver System! This relatively small investment is sure to save you money in tunings and repairs. Here at Chupp’s Pianos we are very experienced in installing these systems on any type of piano. We are an authorized installer by Dampp Chaser themselves. We install one of these systems on almost every premium restored Steinway piano we sell. Whether you own an upright piano or a concert grand, we can install a Piano Life Saver System for you! Email us or call 574-831-5820 to set up an appointment here in the Northern Indiana/Southern Michigan area to have a Piano Life Saver System installed in your piano.