“I Can’t Recommend Chupp’s (Pianos) Highly Enough!”
…“I can’t recommend Chupp’s highly enough! If you’re searching for a special piano, a forever piano, especially one named Steinway, I’d wager you’ll end your search at Chupp’s. My Steinway A is singular, and yet that’s how I felt sitting at nearly every on of their restored Steinways that I tried.” – Michael Brazile
What’s the Difference Between an Upright or Grand Piano & Other Frequently Asked Questions
“I very much appreciated their ‘no pressure’ approach” – Pianist Selects Steinway Model B from Chupp’s Piano Service
Testimonial - "Dennis and Tim are honest, open, and meticulous professionals, and I'll certainly consider them for any future pianos needs."
Working with customers and helping them select the piano that is right for them is always one of the most exciting parts of a workday! We were recently fortunate enough to work with John and help him select a Steinway & Sons Model B for his personal use. We always strive to provide our clients with as much time as they need in our showroom in order for them to make an informed decision on their piano preferences. He was kind enough to send in a testimonial letter about the piano and his experience working with Chupp's Piano Service. We wish him many happy years of musical enjoyment!Why Are My Piano Keys Sticking & Other Frequently Asked Questions
Why Are My Piano Keys Sticking?
Behind each ivory, ebony or plastic topped key stick resides almost every moving part in a piano. All of these moving parts creates the potential for annoying sticking and binding, causing notes not to function. There are a number of reasons this may occur and can usually be quickly diagnosed by a qualified piano technician. Here are a few of the most common reasons.
- Debris. The gaps between the keysticks allow for small debris to fall between them. Over time, this can cause keys to bind together. Each key pivots on metal pins. If the rail pins become dirty or filled with debris, this can cause keys to feel sluggish. With a grand piano, pencils and similar items can often fall between strings and into the piano's action. (This author has dealt with that a time or two on his personal piano...) The fix for this usually involves removing the action stack or keys to get to the issue, removing any junk and thoroughly cleaning the action. If possible, keep small items stored away from where they could accidentally fall into the piano's action cavity or between the key sticks.
- Humidity swings can cause wooden key sticks and action parts to expand and shrink, causing parts to bind. We highly recommend that you take steps to control the humidity levels within and around your piano. The best way to do so is to invest in either a whole room or whole house humidification control system. As a nice side benefit, this will also greatly increase the comfort level of your home. We also recommend the consideration of a Dampp Chaser Piano Life Saver System installed directly onto the piano. The combination of these steps will ensure that you receive the longest service and most enjoyment out of your musical instrument.
- Broken parts. There is a chance there may be broken action parts which are keeping your piano from functioning. Lost screws, flattened knuckles, broken wippens. These are just a few of the issues that may be causing your piano keys to jam or not return properly. Again, this would be an issue for your piano technician to diagnose and repair.
New York Steinways vs. Hamburg Steinways – a Tail of Two Factories
Steinway & Sons New York and Hamburg | What's the Difference?
Question: “What's the difference between Steinway pianos built at the company's New York Factory and their Hamburg Factory?"
An American Company
While Charles Dicken's novel A Tale of Two Cities dealt with the cities of Paris and London, this comparison deals with New York and Hamburg. Specifically, their shared role as the home for Steinway & Sons pianos. This unusual situation has resulted in key differences between the American and European variants of these legendary musical instruments.
Contrary to the belief of some, Steinway & Sons is not a European company and have always been an American company first and foremost. Founded by German immigrant Henry E. Steinway, the New York-based company grew quickly from its modest founding in 1853 to quickly become the leading piano maker in North America. This led to increased demand for their products in both the United States and around the world. As this demand for pianos grew, the decision was made to open a factory overseas and the Steinway name returned to Germany - the City of Hamburg, to be exact.
“…work was first class – one of the finest restorations.” – Google Reviews of Chupp’s Piano Service
"We can’t believe what a beautiful instrument it is; exactly as represented"
Recommendations and reviews from our friends and clients is always a great encouragement. Read on to view two recent reviews left on our Google Business listing. Thank you to Franklin and Diana for your kind words!"We purchased our piano from Chupps in 2003 and it has been one of the best purchases we have ever made. We really had to save to buy and restore the Steinway B, but Dennis Chupp patiently helped us to find exactly what we were looking for and he restored it to perfection. The cost was less than what others had quoted us and the quality of Chupp's work was first-class. Our piano tuner (who is quite noted herself) said it is one of the finest restorations she has seen. She loves voicing and tuning our Steinway.
A ‘New’ Piano for the New Year – Used Upright Pianos for Sale
Pre-Owned Upright Pianos for Sale | Refurbished Pianos
2019 is underway! Whether your New Year's resolution has anything to do with music or not, we just might have the piano that is right for you. Along with our selection of rebuilt/restored grand pianos and new Kawai upright, grand and digital instruments, we also have a fine selection of pre-owned instruments at astounding prices. Here are just a few of them!Steinway Model O Fulfills Lifelong Piano Dream for Boston Couple
"One of my wife's lifelong dreams has been to own a Steinway piano, as her parents and grandparents did. Playing the piano has always been a huge part of my wife's family's life. Although not a musician myself, but one that can appreciate quality and fine art, I approached Dennis Chupp to help me with the purchase of a Steinway Model O for my wife's birthday. Dennis not only took the time to explain his experience and the business to me, but walked me through the intricacies of why a Steinway along with his restoration business is second to none. After much research and reference calls, we made the decision to proceed with a complete restoration of a 1921 Model O. This included having the finish changed from mahogany to ebony and a piano player system added.
How Much Does a Piano Weigh & Other Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a piano weigh?
The combination of thick pieces of lumber, the heavy cast iron plate (sometimes called a harp), and numerous other components make the piano one of the heaviest instruments on the market today. Pianos vary greatly in weight depending on their type and size. For example, a Steinway & Sons Model B which measures 6’11” in length weighs approx. 750 lbs. while smaller upright pianos such as consoles and spinets, usually weigh in the 300 to 500 lbs range.VIDEO: “How Does a Moment Last Forever” on Steinway Model B #231416
"How Does a Moment Last Forever" Cover on Steinway B #231416
Piano Technician/Pianist Philip Balke performs 'How Does a Moment Last Forever' from the live action Disney film, 'Beauty & The Beast'. Written by Tim Rice and Alan Menken. Performed on restored Steinway & Sons Model B Grand Piano #231416. This piano originally built in 1925 during the height of the piano industry's golden age. Recorded at the Chupp's Piano Showroom in Goshen, Indiana, video production by Benjamin Rogers.VIDEO: “I’m Not That Girl” from Wicked on Steinway M #227953
"Wicked" Piano Cover on Steinway M #227953
Piano Technician/Pianist Philip Balke performs 'I'm Not That Girl' from the beloved Broadway musical, 'Wicked'. Written by Stephen Schwartz, originally recorded by Idina Menzel (original song) and Kristin Chenoweth (reprise). Performed on restored Steinway & Sons Model M Grand Piano #227953. Recorded at the Chupp's Piano Showroom in Goshen, Indiana, video production by Benjamin Rogers.A Deal, or a ‘Steal’? – Choosing an Upright or Grand Piano for your Student
Question: My child is starting piano lessons. What kind of piano should I get for them? I found a free one on Craigslist and most of the keys still work. Could I start them on this piano until they get good enough to deserve a better one?
The selection of an instrument for your budding student is an important one. Students of the piano will spend many an hour practicing scales and building up to ever increasingly difficult pieces. A link should build between the artist and their instrument. This is why it is critical to select a piano that encourages them to sit down and play.
Holding Your Student Back…
Imagine someone beginning to learn a sport, say, baseball. One wouldn’t give the budding player a stick broken off from a nearby tree and tell them; ‘learn with this, and when you get really good we’ll give you a real bat!’ It is obvious that this would not be conducive to enjoyable learning and would impede progress. One would be tempted to simply quit when placed under this handicap.
Unfortunately, we see this far too often in the world of pianos. The difference between a fully functional, professional grade piano and the ‘Craigslist deals’ and cheap keyboards one often sees in us for practice is like day and night. Even budding pianists can tell the difference, even if they cannot express what exactly they are feeling.
Creating Frustration
Young students are much more perceptive to tonal quality and touch than many parents think. Many of the ‘free deals’ that can be found on Craigslist (and yes, even at some piano dealers) can be much more trouble than they are worth. A badly built and maintained piano may require much more repair and restoration work than is initially noticeable when examining the exterior. It is always recommended that you contact a qualified piano technician prior to considering the purchase of one of these used pianos. It can be incredibly frustrating to sit down at a barely functioning piano that has been badly maintained and attempt to bring some kind of discernable melody out of it. It is maddening for the professional; just imagine how frustrating it is for a beginning student. Sadly, we see this so often. It is no wonder that many students fail to stick with piano lessons. In terms of monetary value, a durable, high-performance instrument can and will help you and your student get the very most out of piano/music lessons. A well-built, properly maintained instrument will stay in regulation and in tune saving you money in service calls. Many music teachers also have minimum requirements for the student’s practice instrument – and with good reason!Kawai Vs. Yamaha Pianos
Which Piano is Right for You: Yamaha Vs. Kawai?
Question: “I am considering both Yamaha and Kawai pianos and they seem similar. What are some of the differences?"