Prof. Catherine Walker on her Chupp’s Steinway Model B
University of Michigan Professor Purchases Restored Steinway
Chupp's Piano Service has provided many professional pianists and artists with premium restored Steinway instruments. Recently we provided a restored Steinway & Sons Model B Grand Piano to Catherine Walker in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Here is what she had to say: Dear Dennis, When I decided to begin the process of "active replacement" for my personal piano, I knew that there was only one call I needed to make. My experience with Chupp's Pianos, while purchasing pianos for my school some years ago, was stellar and inspired complete confidence in my decision to return to your company. My hope was to upgrade to a more professional instrument but the acquisition of a Steinway seemed like a an unrealistic fantasy. That being said, here I sit with a gorgeous Steinway B in my home. I am still overwhelmed by this gorgeous piano and I still feel like I must be dreaming. This was only possible with your help and guidance.IN THE NEWS: Painted Piano Brightens Days at Goshen College
Chupp's Piano Service Assists with 'Painted Piano' for Goshen College
GOSHEN - "Goshen College students walking by the Administration building are in for a pleasant musical surprise. Located in this nondescript corner of campus lies a new painted piano. If one decides to approach and further inspect the piano, they will be greeted by the evoking artistic stylings of Maddie Gerig, a third-year student at Goshen College. Riddled with chipped keys and left without a bench, the piano is painted with a color scheme of varying shades of blue and white accompanied by powerful accents of yellow and red. This piano came as a result of the efforts of Student Senate to “spontaneously interject” some of Goshen’s abundant musical talent into our campus, said Ben Shelly, president of Student Senate. When asked about how this project came to fruition, David Zehr, who used to serve on Student Senate, said, “Two years ago, Maddie Gerig and Elizabeth Derstine (who were both at-large representatives on Senate that year) had some suggestions related to doing artistic things around campus.” Zehr went on to explain that this project was inspired by the Keys for the City program from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a program which placed various painted pianos across the city. With a little advice from the Keys for the City program, Beverly Lapp, professor of music, and Dennis Chupp of Chupp’s Piano Service, GC received its own piano. Through Chupp’s business, a couple friends of GC “decided to donate their piano,” said Zehr."
Chupp’s Restores Steinway Piano for Cheyenne Civic Center
Cheyenne Civic Center's Piano Ready for Upcoming Shows:
Recently Chupp's Pianos restored a Steinway & Sons Model D Concert Grand Piano for the Cheyenne Civic Center. The piano was carefully rebuilt and regulated by our expert piano technicians to bring back the iconic Steinway tone we all know and love. Tim Chupp recently traveled out to Cheyenne, Wyoming to make some finishing touches to the instrument in its new home. Attached below is a photo of the instrument sitting on the concert venue's beautiful stage.Piano Restoration: Before and After
A Full Steinway Grand Piano Restoration:
We recently completed fully rebuilding this vintage Steinway & Sons Model A3 Grand Piano. Steinway Model A3 Grands measure 6' 4 1/2" in length, longer than 'normal' Model A Grands manufactured by Steinway today. Over the years the instrument had been painted black, covering up the stunning African Flame Mahogany cabinet underneath. We stripped the black paint off and the satin, closed pore refinishing process brought the piano back to looking its very best. (Take a look at the grain detail in the photos below!) But refinishing was only one part of the total rebuild. A new solid spruce soundboard and bridges were installed as were new German music wire, tuning pins and custom made bass strings. The damper back action was restored, the action was fully rebuilt and concert regulated, new keytops were installed and the cast iron Steinway plate was re-gilded and hand lettered. This long and exacting process is essential to truly restore a piano and bring it to its top potential. A true, quality piano restoration takes time and effort and we were very pleased with the end results.Should I buy an Upright or Grand Piano?
Which style of piano is right for you?
Upright vs. Grand piano, that is the question. Or at least one question that we hear often. Buying an instrument, especially one as large as a piano is a decision that shouldn’t be made in a snap. And deciding which style of piano to go with is one of the first steps in choosing the instrument that is right for you and your lifestyle. The last thing you want is to run out and buy an instrument that simply will not work with what you need and where you live. So here are a few things to look at when deciding which direction to go.…
The History of the Piano | The King of Instruments
The History of the Piano
The piano is one of, if not the most popular instrument in the world. Millions have been introduced to music through piano lessons and the mention of the name ‘Steinway’ still invokes a feeling of class and grandeur. The piano has come in all shapes and sizes over its long and varied history. But the piano didn't begin as the 'king of instruments', it had to start somewhere!The Origin of the Instrument
In the early 1700s a harpsichord maker by the name of Bartolomeo di Franceso Cristofori developed the first piano. A well respected Italian craftsman and inventor, he worked for Prince Ferdinando de Medici. His first ‘gravicembalo col piano e forte’ was exhibited in Florence in 1709. The advantage his instrument had over the similar harpsichord was the ability for the musician to vary the volume. A harpsichord could not play notes at different levels of sound, due to the way the strings were plucked. The piano with its hammers on the other hand, could. A few of his instruments have survived and one of his early creations is currently in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. (In playable condition.)Dr. Eric Tucker talks about his Steinway Model O Grand
Professor Selects Steinway Grand from Chupp's Pianos
Recently, Dr. Eric Tucker from Central Michigan University purchased a restored Steinway & Sons Model O Grand Piano from us. Dr. Tucker serves as the Professor of Voice and Opera, serves as the Coordinator of the Vocal/Choral area, teaches Vocal Techniques and directs the Opera program as well as Applied Voice. He was kind enough to record a testimonial video explaining why he chose Chupp's Pianos' services.What Did the First Piano Sound Like?
LISTEN: The Earliest Known Piano in Existence:
In the early 1700s, Bartolomeo Cristofori invented what would become the 'king of instruments', the piano. The early pianos were a vast improvement over their immediate predecessors the harpsichord. The pianos had a wider range and the hammers hit the strings instead of plucking them, allowing the musician to vary the volume of their notes. (An obvious plus.) But what did the first piano sound like? The early pianos sounded quite different from the modern instruments that we know today. The early pianos lacked a metal plate, were quite light and lacked the range of pianos today. One good way to describe the sound they produced, is that they sounded like a mix between the earlier harpsichords and a modern piano. The Cristofori Piano that resides in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has been restored to playable condition.The Great Piano Scam | The Story of Joyce Hatto
This short documentary tells the story of one of the greatest classical music scams in the music industry’s history. Joyce Hatto was a concert pianist, who gained critical acclaim late in her life as dozens of her recordings drew rave reviews. Critics and the public were enamored by the story of the long retired pianist making her return while battling cancer. But were these her recordings? This is the story of the piano scam that fooled an industry.…
Piano Care: Cleaning your Piano Keys
Cleaning your Piano Keys:
There are 88 piano keys on a standard grand piano. Each one of those keys are covered by a piece of plastic or ivory called a keytop. Although some notes may get more of a workout then others, they all can use a good cleaning now and than. But what is the best way to remove the dirt, grime and oil that can accumulate? The first thing you will need to do is determine what material your piano keys are made out of. Due to the ban on the use of newly harvested ivory, the vast majority of pianos played and manufactured today have some type of plastic or high quality simulated ivory keytop. Although the feel of ivory is not always fully duplicated, they are usually more durable and easier to clean. If your keytops are plastic, use a clean white cloth with a bit of mild soap or key cleaner to remove the grime. After applying the cleaning solution to the cloth itself, wipe the keys down with a back to front motion, not side to side. Clean a few keys at a time and then dry with another cloth. Be careful not to use a colored cloth as the color could bleed onto the keys. Be sure to also take care to not get the cleaning solution on the wooden piano keys themselves. The wood can absorb the moisture, causing swelling or separation.Is My Piano Worth Restoring?
Does Your Piano Need Work? | Three Things to Check
"Should I get my piano worked on? It sounds OK as it is I guess. Is my piano worth the work?"
These are questions technicians often hear from piano owners. Why spend the money and time to get your instrument worked on if nothing is terribly 'broken?' In some cases that is true. When attempting to decide whether it is worth the investment, we ask:- What is the brand name? (A lower quality brand usually isn't worth the work.)
- What is the type? (An upright restoration isn't as likely to be cost effective as a grand.)
- How old is it? (A 110 year old piano is probably going to need more work than one 10 years off the line. The brand and size of the piano dictate whether it is cost effective or not.)
1: The Tuning
This is one of the basics, although it is surprising how often it is ignored. A piano that is out of tune is obviously not at its full potential. You may get used to an out-of-tune sound, however you will not be getting the best your instrument can offer. A regular tuning is essential to keep your instrument in good working order and sounding like it should. The pins in the pinblock can also become loose, preventing the piano from being in tune. Here at Chupp's we recommend tuning your home piano twice every year, although this could change, depending on the environment. A concert piano should have a 'touch up' by a trained concert tuner before every performance. A regular tuning can indicate how much care the piano has received - as a qualified technician can examine the instrument when he visits it to tune.